2024 Year in Review
2024 was a year of great successes and a year of heartbreaking loss. We came together as an organization to celebrate our wins and cry at our losses. We continue to have such amazing support of our community and are excited for what is to come in the future. If you have any questions or comments about the information shown below please always feel free to email me at executivedirector@foha.org.
Thank you! Alison Maurhoff, Proud FOHA Executive Director
Animals –
- We processed 241 dog adoptions (down 3% from last year) and 180 cats/kittens adoptions (down 4% from last year) – a total of 421 animals which is down 3.2% from last year (435 in 2023).
- 10 dogs were adopted after completing treatment for heartworm disease.
- 13 senior dogs (8 years old or older) found their forever homes.
- 20 FIV positive cats were adopted. This is up 15% from 2023!
- 17 Diamond Dogs, long stay dogs, found their forever homes. An amazing 40% increase from 2023!
- Length of stay for dogs dropped 17 days in the last 2 years and cats dropped by 10 days in the last 2 years.
Animal Care Successes and Challenges –
- Our Dog Walker Volunteer Training and Safety Program continues to be a big success. Each dog walker is allowed to walk dogs within a certain color category based on the levels of training they have completed with our Behavior Team.
- In 2024, 35% of new dog walking volunteers completed our 2-part Yellow training and 14% completed the entire 7-part training program to advance to Senior Volunteers compared to 21% and 0% respectively, in 2023.
- 41% of all new dog walking volunteers in 2024 have started their advanced-level trainings.
- Behavior assessments are being done on all dogs prior to adoption meet and greets so we have better information for our matchmaking process.
- Enrichment is being provided to dogs and cats every day to keep them stimulated and entertained.
- We had 183 cats (same as 2023) and 235 dogs (14% increase over 2023) entered foster care this year. This includes regular foster care, short term foster and foster with intent to adopt events.
- 87% of cats and 77% of dogs who entered foster care in 2024 have already been adopted!!
- Unfortunately we lost a larger than average number of our long term animals in 2024. We had to say goodbye to many of our beloved friends. This was very hard on all staff and volunteers!!
- Cats/Kittens – Faye, Gamora, Copper, Phillip, Goat
- Dogs – Trini, Bella, Carson, Gabe, Gamby, Savannah, Bianca, Dan, Murphy, Addie, Hazel, Jango
- Adoption Program Enhancements –
- Fully mapped out our cat adoption process
- Hired an Adoption Coordinator to manage our overall adoption process, staff and volunteers
- We participated in 23 Dog and Cat Adoption events in 2024! Well above what we did in 2023. Each event was an opportunity to talk about our animals and FOHA!
Technology –
- Managed an upgrade to our shelter management system, ShelterLuv, in the Fall 2024.
- Started work on a mobile application for our dog walking and behavior training programs.
- Kicked off a project to revamp our website.
- Started the process to assess our Donor CRM Database
Volunteers –
- 15 Corporate Groups volunteered at FOHA in 2024 (20% increase over 2023).
- 188 new dog walkers were trained and 152 new cat snugglers were trained.
- 463 different volunteers donated over 18,700 volunteer hours in 2024!! That is an average of 40 hours a year per volunteer.
- Volunteer Hour Value – $577,354! WOW WOW WOW!!
- Board Development
- New President elected – Steve Altman
- New Board Members – Miro Liwosz, Howard Golub and Marianne Berner
- Leadership Changes – Danielle Byrd – VP Fundraising, Michelle Wright – Secretary, Ruth Duska – Treasurer
- Completed an update to our strategic plan for the next 5 years
Development/Fundraising –
- The Treasure Hound continues to be an amazing source of revenue for the shelter, supporting the dogs and cats in all that they do. This year was a great year for the team of staff and volunteers and our donors and patrons. Thank you!!
- Awarded 3 grants – Pedigree, Grey Muzzle, and Ursula Landreth Animal Rescue Fund
- 3 successful fundraising appeals, 2 giving days and 3 additional fun campaigns during the year (2025 calendar contest, kitten shower and Jordan’s Way)
- We had a wonderful time at our successful second annual Paws for a Cause brunch and Shop for the Shelter Auction fundraiser in October!
- Tails to Trails team and many from FOHA again “Ran the Greenway” again in Star Wars spirit on May the 4th, bringing in much-needed funds for the dogs and cats
- We launched a new FOHA merchandise store online with Bonfire.
Facilities –
- We worked through the year with our architectural firm Cole and Denny to complete the designs and build estimates for our new Cat Adoption and Wellness Center. We have also launched a smaller project to assess our oldest kennel Line 1&2 for possible refurbishment or replacement.
- Adjacency diagram is complete, site plan has been confirmed, estimates for the build have been received
- Awaiting design of the exterior of the building
- The roof on our largest kennel Lines 5-8 was replaced!
- Replaced the well pump after it stopped working and caused the shelter to be without water for over 48 hours.
Staffing –
- Promoted Laura Eddy to Senior Operations Manager
- Promoted Rob Sherwood to Adoption Coordinator
- Thanks to our Pedigree Grant we were able to bring on Mark Radloff as a contractor to help with Volunteer Training and Dog Behavior Support.
What to look for in 2025 –
- Upgraded website – foha.org coming in the first half of 2025!
- Launch a capital campaign to raise the necessary funds for the new major build of our Cat Adoption and Wellness Center
- Continue to increase adoptions through enhanced promotions and marketing
- Continue to train our dog walking volunteers through the Level Training and provide targeted training to support individual dog needs.
- Increase the number of adoptions for senior animals and special needs animal.
Everyone has given their all to make FOHA the best temporary home for our animals. Your dedication to the animals and FOHA’s mission is amazing. Thanks to everyone who has made this another very successful year!